It’s here!之后,天哪,3或4个月的设计,钩编,和拖延的,我SOOO兴奋,最终分享我的成品Zoodiacs C2C钩针阿富汗与大家一起。我可以告诉你我是多么的爱上了这个咧?而且这不只是因为它花了这么多时间;这是因为它是巨大的,SOOO舒适!在谁得到我的全家人打架这件事情下打盹,它是完美的超大沙发上的毯子。
这毯子是用12大c2c(角落corner) crochet squares that depict the animals in the Chinese Zodiac. My son is a Tiger and my parents joked that my second child should be a Dragon, because they are the two most powerful signs in the zodiac, but my daughter was born one year later, as a Snake, so we now joke that she’s the little Dragon, since a Snake is sort of a little dragon. Right? No? Ok, so it’s a family thing. If you were to recite the zodiac in Chinese, I think it actually starts with the Mouse, but I started my blanket with the Tiger because of my son. I chose the background colors for each of the squares based on that particular order, but your blanket is up to you! You can work the squares in any order you like, and follow the actual Zodiac order, or not.
Each c2c crochet animal square is大约18英寸,在每一侧23个C2C瓦片。我选择从狮牌万纳的选择固体和循环使用的颜色和主题Impeccables固体 - 我发现他们的颜色是充满活力,并能相互匹配得非常好。他们的纱线粗细也匹配得相当好,所以我可以互换以相同的正方形的颜色,而无需调整我的规格和/或张力。我完成了每平方两轮单钩针针均匀地工作在广场周围,然后加入了方格一起使用的床垫针。由于阿富汗已经相当繁忙,我只是在做白平原接壤。
包括在这个岗位的模式笔记仅用于阿富汗汇编指令。在我Zoodiacs页面,你可以找到预览和链接到所有Zoodiacs动物(I may make more in the future – Zebra, here I come!),或购买Zoodiacs枕头,杯子和打印从我学会6店。
You can also purchase a printableZoodiacs Afghan e-book, which is a compilation of all 12 Zoodiacs graphs at full-size, basic c2c instructions, pattern for afghan assembly, video links and pattern notes, all formatted as a printable PDF without ads or comments. The ebook is available viaCraftsyfor US readers andEtsy的国际读者。
我已经把一个完整的C2C钩针教程that goes over how to start the stitches, how to read a graph, how to decrease, change colors, and weave in your ends, with working notes, videos and an extra video of my crocheting a small sample c2c project, so you can follow along and see how I work! You can find the tutorial这里。
- 纱,所有方块+边境
- LT = Loops and Threads Impeccables Solids(268 yds/245 m)
- LBVC = Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice Solids(170 yds/156 m)
- RHSS =红心超级节电器(364个YDS / 333米)
- 红色 - 樱桃LTI,2个缕缕
- Orange – LBVC Terracotta, 2 skeins
- 黄色 - LBVC芥末,2个缕缕
- 亮绿色,LTI草,2、棉衣
- 深绿色 - LBVC蕨,2个缕缕
- 浅蓝色 - LBVC银蓝色,2个缕缕
- Turquoise Blue – LTI Aqua, 2 skeins
- Purple – LBVC Eggplant, 1 skein
- 浅粉红色 - LBVC粉红,1个绞纱
- Dark Pink – LBVC Antique Rose, 1 skein
- 浅灰色 - LBVC亚麻,3个缕缕
- Dark Gray – RHSS Gray Heather, 1 skein
- Brown – RHSS Cafe Latte, 1 skein
- 黑色 - LBVC黑色,1个绞纱
- Light Cream – LBVC Fisherman, 4 skeins
- Dark Cream – LT Heather, 1 skein
- 白色 - 白色LT,1个绞纱
- I-9(5.5 MM)挂钩 - 我爱我Clover USA Amour hooks*!
- 模块化线轴架
- Embroidery needle
- 剪刀
* denotes affiliate links
sl st – slip stitch
CH -chain stitch
sc –单钩针
DC - 双钩针
Pattern Notes
- 我发现它更容易将工作与2个缕缕你的背景颜色为每平方。你总是只有1绞纱开始,但一旦动物纹开始,你需要的背景纱筒管另一个这样你就可以工作,对动物两侧的背景色。如果你只有1个绞纱,你必须任何措施/估计你会多少纱线需要的任何一方,或者保留新加入到纱筒管你,你通过广场进步。我的纱线购买建议假定您使用的背景颜色的纱线两个独立的一缕缕为每平方米。一些背景颜色使用了两次,你需要两个缕缕的全码数反正,所以它更容易同时启动这两个缕缕。其他背景颜色只使用一次,你可能不会需要两个缕缕的全码数,但我还是建议双方缕缕如果你的预算允许的情况下。
- Because so much yarn is needed for this blanket, in so many colors, I tried to purchase them from Michaels during sales or with coupons. I was not as picky about getting the same lot color. I personally used Lion Brand Vanna’s Choice and Loops and Threads Impeccables, but RedHeart Yarns and Caron also have beautiful colors.
- At the end of each square, I used the background color yarn to work a round of single crochet stitches evenly around the square. For each c2c tile, I worked 3 stitches – 2 in the body of the tile, and 1 in the juncture between tiles – and then ch 2 in each of the corners. This gives a consistent 69 stitches + 2 ch stitches along each side. You can see this in action in my sampler video这里。下面的说明假设第一轮单钩针针(使用背景色)已经完成。
- 我使用加入了我的正方形mattress stitch。Since this is a sewing stitch, and not a crochet stitch, you’ll need to cut a piece of yarn that is at least double the length which you’ll be joining. For example, I joined the first two rows together, horizontally (Tiger to Snake, Bunny to Horse, Dragon to Sheep), so I needed a length of yarn that was twice (or triple) the length of 3 squares. It made sewing the squares really slow going, but I did that to avoid having to join yarn and having bumps in my blanket. I ended up having to join yarn for the vertical joins though, because the length was getting ridiculous. I also worked horizontal and vertical joins simultaneously to help with joining the corners.
Assembly Instructions for Zoodiacs C2C Crochet Afghan
For each square
选择一个角落,和工作standing sc (video tutorial)在CH 2从上一轮后的第一针。(由于有69个SC在每边,你会开始与任何一侧的第一针。)*工作1个SC在横跨正方形的边的每个线圈。与跳针的第一个sc *从工作[1个SC,CH 2,1个SC]在CH 2空间。*重复所有4个边,然后再加入。
两个广场一起排队。从后到前的一个方形的第一个十字绣作品你的针,留下了尾巴。工作从后到前的其他方的第一线迹你的针,拉收紧。继续从后到每个随后的缝线的前端工作,你的针 - 2日在一个广场2日对其他方,第3日在一平方,3日对其他方,等等。
当你来到一个角落CH 2的空间,可以把它看成一个单一的ST。经过一个拐角的空间,工作通过其他方的边角空间的工作后,再通过第三方的边角空间的工作,你要加入。(如:通过对老虎的角落ST工作后,通过角ST上蛇的工作,然后通过对兔子的角落ST工作,然后通过对马的角落ST工作)之后,您可以继续工作床垫针在每一针。
Once you come to the end of a row, fasten off, leaving a tail to weave in.
第1轮:Start with a slip stitch anywhere along the outside border of the afghan. Ch 3. Work 1 dc in next stitch, and in each stitch around the entire afghan, working [1 dc, ch 2, 1 dc] in the corners. Join to first ch 3 with a slip stitch.
Round 2:章1.工作1个SC进入下针,并在周围一针一线1个SC。工作[1个SC,CH 2,1个SC]在角落CH 2空间。加入到用跳针第一SC。
The Zoodiacs squares make for great projects whether you make just one, or complete the whole afghan. A single square worked in chunky yarn can be a lovely baby blanket depicting the year the baby is born. Or turn a single square into a pillow. Alternatively, combine all the Zodiac signs for your family into a keepsake blanket. I’ve also seen a reader work the Zoodiacs graphs in cross-stitch! There’s so many ways you can use these designs, and these signs apply to everyone. Be sure to share your creations with me onFacebook的要么Instagram!
Butt so what, it was still worthwhile!
I thought it was a free pattern. Bumma.
Loved this pattern. Originally I bypassed this pattern as it was to large for what I wanted it for (baby blanket for my nephew) I kept coming back to it. Anyway i managed to find a way to adjust it to make it smaller. I deleted the outside row all the way around and used a 4.25mm hook and only 1 round of sc border on each. This made each square 13 inches, this was still slightly larger than I had in mind but the afghan to cute to pass up. I just have the final border to complete and I am so excited to gift this!!!
Thank you so much. I don’t have much luck blocking c2c so I started this as a continuous hdc and really pleased with the results.